The concept of a freeway within a freeway (and expressway) is discussed. The objective is to create communities that are …
Introduction to “Putting a Lid On It” at the UNSCC
Ken Kelly, Chair of the United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County, introduces Ken Pyle, the VP of the WNAC.
WNAC Overview at the 2016 United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County
Ken Pyle provides an overview of the WNAC and discussion of some of the projects underway, including the WIN6.
The State of Public Transportation
Nationwide, public transportation accounts for only about 2% of all motorized trips, according to data provided by Dr. Alain Kornhauser …
When Will Autonomous Vehicles Become Mainstream?
Will it be 6 or 60 years before the Level 5 (no steering wheel or human intervention) becomes mainstream? That …
How Will Autonomous Vehicles Be Insured?
Will insurance companies insure autonomous vehicles? If so, who will need to be insured; the auto manufacturer, the owner, the …