The Community Information Center (CIC) is aimed at changing the way the community engages developers, the cities, and each other. Its purpose is to make it easy to access information about changes in the area, and most importantly, to make it available to everyone. All too often, development project have one or two meetings to talk about a design that has already been reviewed and preliminarily accepted by the City. What if we changed that? What if there was a location that had ideas, designs, and goals for an area or project, a space that allowed you to provide input and see what others are saying. A place to be heard when you have time, not at a time when you are working or with family. The CIC was designed as a concept for how we can approach development and change differently, in a collaborative way. We look forward to your feedback and ideas on how to make this even better.
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Please let us know if you support this idea: community-engagement@kvartan.