10/19/16 Meeting

Meeting Minutes (Unapproved) (PDF)

Location: Bascom Community Center, 1000 South Bascom Ave (we are not meeting at Cypress Center for this meeting)
Time: 6:00pm start for Volar meeting and 7:30pm for WNAC regular meeting


**Part 1: 6:00-7:15pm – Volar Public Meeting
The revised Volar project will hold a public meeting (now 18 stories) on a .9 acre lot. While not part of Santana Row, it looks like it is. Will this become “normal” in Tri-Village area over the next 5-10 years? Should it?

**Part 2: 7:30-8:45pm – Winchester NAC regular meeting, with a focus on BIDs
This WNAC meeting will follow the Volar meeting and roll into a discussion on Business Improvement District (BID), with Scott Knies leading the discussion.

A light pizza dinner will be served at 6:10pm. Cannoli will be served too.

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