Encouraging developments that are car-free with micro-size dwelling units and use modular construction are three things that cities can do …
10,000 Homes In a Year on Underutilized Land – Part 2
Solving the housing part of homelessness through the construction of modular, micro-housing is described in the above video by Patrick Kennedy, …
June 15th, 2016 Visioning Meeting
The complete videos playlist of the June 15th, 2016 meeting which focuses on looking at what the WNAC area could …
06/15/16 WNAC Meeting Business
The meeting opens with routine WNAC business. A motion is made to thank Kirk for supplying his tasty pizza!
SB 1069 Discussion
SB 1069, the Accessory Housing bill, is discussed.
Looking to the Future
The idea of capping 280 is discussed, as a way to create new land in an area that will be …
Cost of Car Ownership
The significant costs of automobile ownership and commute delays is discussed.
Drawing people into a place where people can meet is a simple definition of placemaking. In this segment, various examples …
Circulation – Examples from Vancouver
Kirk Vartan provides examples from Vancouver and how they integrate different modes of transport, including autonomous subways. The video Kirk …
Traffic Crunch
Kirk Vartan provides an overview of the interview with Emily Castor of Lyft, which then leads into the topic of …