An audience member asks why bus drivers aren’t measured on the accuracy of their arrivals at bus stops. Additionally, VTA …
What is the Status of BRT on Stevens Creek
An audience member asks what is the status of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Stevens Creek.
What about Uber or Lyft or other On Demand Transport?
The question is asked whether Uber or Lyft or other on-demand transportation systems are competitive or complementary to VTA’s goals.
What Triggers a VTA Action Resulting from Development or Density
An audience member asks what triggers the VTA to take action regarding a new development or some other increase in …
How Does VTA Participate in the Environmental Impact Report Process
An audience member asks how VTA participates in the Environmental Impact Report process for new developments.
Community Working with VTA
The audience is encouraged to provide feedback to the community. Early community involvement in developments is also encouraged.
Meeting Minutes & Presentations from 4/20/16 WNAC
Meeting Minutes & Presentations from 4/20/16 WNAC wnac-apr-20-2016-minutes Presentations from 4/20/16 Meeting Next Network Winchester NAC 042016 WNAC_April 20th …
Santa Clara County 3.0 – Moving into a Post Suburban Era
Retired head of planning for the County of Santa Clara, Don Weden, provides an overview of how Santa Clara developed from agrarian to suburban and the forces that are causing it to change once again.
WNAC Board Meeting Minutes from 4/3/16
April 3, 2016 Attendees: Kirk Vartan, Steve Landau, Ken Pyle, Chris Giangrecco – Review format of last meeting: what went …
VTA Presenting at Special Session of WNAC – Wed Apr 20, 6:30PM – Cypress Senior Center, 403 Cypress, Ave, San Jose, CA
Unpublished Minutes from 4/20/16 Meeting (for approval at 5/18 meeting) Winchester NAC, Winchester/Stevens Creek residents, and Engaged Community: The Winchester NAC …