Our last WNAC meeting focusing on micro-housing was very exciting and we heard you: We will have another focused meeting on just this topic in the next few months.
I have attached copies of the meeting minutes for the past two meetings and we will be approving them on Wednesday.
Our next meeting is on Wed, Feb 15th at 6:30pm and our agenda is as follows:
Here is the agenda:
1. Updates from Councilmembers Chappie Jones (D1) and Dev Davis (D6)
2. 280 Cap subcommittee update – Ken (this will be a regular update)
3. Project for Public Spaces, BAREC update, and community process
4. WAG/SCAG Urban Village update and status – Daphna
5. CES highlights – Ken
Date: Wed, Feb 15th
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Where: Cypress Senior Center, 403 Cypress Ave, San Jose (just south of Steven Creek)
Please come early (6:15pm) if you would like a lite pizza dinner and cannoli (bring your own drinks).
November 2016 Meeting Minutes (draft)