The WNAC meeting will be held prior to the D1 Participatory Budget meeting.

10/19/17 Meeting – Note Date & Time Change

The flyer providing details of the D1 Participatory Budget kick-off meeting, which will be held on the same evening as the WNAC meeting at the same location.

Click for Print Version of Flyer

The October WNAC meeting will be held just before the D1 Participatory Budget Kick-off meeting on October 19th

  • WNAC Meeting – 6:00 to 6:30 PM
  • D1 Participatory Budget Meeting – 6:30 to 8:30 PM (see flyer for details)

WNAC Agenda:

  • Introductions/Approve Minutes
  • WNAC board elections for 2017-2019 cycle
  • BeautifySJ grant update
  • Cap update
  • Overview of Placemaking conference & lessons for WNAC

If you are interested in participating on the WNAC Board, please contact us at info @

Descriptions of the open board positions are below and as found in the WNAC bylaws:



The President shall coordinate all WNAC activities, preside over WNAC Board and General Meetings, and shall have the general powers of supervision and management of the WNAC that pertain to the office and such duties as may be designated by the Board. The President will be the primary spokesperson for the WNAC.

Vice President

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President as delegated by the President and in the President’s absence and shall be responsible for monitoring WNAC actions and events. Working with the President the Vice President will be a WNAC liaison team member for local government, regional community associations and stakeholders as well as performing other duties as may be designated by the Board. Additionally, the Vice President shall be responsible for distributing and maintaining copies of the Approved Motions list. Either Email copies (preferred) should be sent to the membership, or sufficient printed copies should be made for distribution at General Meetings.

The Secretary shall prepare and distribute agendas and minutes of all WNAC meetings, execute board communications to Members as directed by the Board or President and maintain membership and attendance rosters.

The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all financial matters of the WNAC. The Treasurer shall prepare all necessary records, reports and provide a monthly update of the financial status of the WNAC. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for managing and filing any grant applications including CAP Grants. All external publications must be provided to the Board at least 72 hours in advance of publication or distribution and require a majority approval before they can be distributed.

Communications Officer
The Communications Officer will assume the duties of the Secretary as delegated by the President in the absence of the Secretary. The Communications Officer duties also include establishing a WNAC email community for members to use to communicate with other WNAC members, committee chairs and officers. Email WNAC communications shall be preferred over printed copies to save costs and the environment.

Past President
The Past President will serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and will assist in the transition and handoff of knowledge and information. The Past President will only serve for one (1) year.

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